Helping Adoration Chapels


We are forming an army with the motto:

 “Jesus, we love You
in the Most Blessed Sacrament!”

And our battle cry:
“Leave Our Lord Alone No More!”


Have you ever entered an Adoration Chapel to find our Lord alone? Have you ever come to adore Him and instead found a cloth or a banner placed in front of Him – as if He were not REALLY there?  These kinds of abuses, indifference and irreverence wounds Him greatly – as He told St. Margaret Mary – and sadly, they are happening all over the world!

We cannot forget that Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament is a Living Person, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity… Who Thirsts for our love.

How do we quench this thirst in Our Lord’s Heart?  It’s simple: With our undivided love. We come with the intention of returning love for Love remembering that our ACTIONS speak louder than our WORDS.  We come to spend ourselves and all our time in His Presence speaking to the Thirsty Heart of Jesus – this same Heart that is the source of Living Water. Spend this privileged time with our Eucharistic Lord as sacred time knowing that it is our love that satisfies His thirsty Heart and His Love alone that will satisfy ours.

Another way to quench His Thirst is to bring others to realize this greatest of gifts: Himself truly present with us in the Holy Eucharist – that they too many come to love and adore Him!

One great place to start is your local adoration chapel… get involved!


This Page is to help YOU help them

to return love for LOVE to Our Eucharistic Lord!


*Do whatever you can to make sure
our Lord is NEVER LEFT ALONE!*


Coordinator’s Resources from MSE

-Set up proper procedures for adorers & substitutes. SAMPLE LETTERS TO ADORERS  and SAMPLE LETTER FOR POTENTIAL ADORERS.

-Make sure there is an updated substitute list and that all adorers have a copy with phone numbers and email lists.

-Get informed about Church Teachings and requirements for Eucharistic Adoration. 

– Schedule a conference or retreat to re-kindle Eucharistic Love.

-Leave inspiring Eucharistic meditations regularly in the Adoration Chapel.

* Visit our Resources Page for Eucharistic Materials, Teachings, prayers etc.



“My Lord, Jesus Christ,  I love You above all things

I firmly believe that I receive

in Holy Communion and adore in Adoration

Your Body, Your Blood, Your Soul, and Your Divinity.

I believe it because You have said it

and I am ready to give my life to maintain this truth.”